Keep Your Remote Sites in Sync With FormsGate

Imagine needing to manually write down and add variables and IDs to each of your sensors and remote assets for your cell sites. 

You might even have infrastructure in different areas, where technicians use different methods to document their work onsite. Collecting all of this information is daunting, and having to manually input the collected data into an online system is an even more time-consuming task.

Unfortunately, this is far from imagination and is a real problem for telecom operators and providers. The process of keeping your equipment information up to date and uniform is an arduous task that requires a great deal of manual adjustments and multiple processes.

Moreover, there can be many instances where information is simply uploaded and updated in the system, without any manager’s approval or perusal. This can lead to disruptions like maintenance issues that could have been caught if the date and last site visit details were readily available and updated.

This also makes it very difficult to determine which sites need a periodic assessment, and which are lower priority. All of this chaos and lack of automation makes the process of maintenance and logistical oversight extremely difficult.

No longer.

Close your information gaps with FormsGate​

Galooli's Formsgate Interface with highlighted items overlayed

FormsGate is our new offering that provides a streamlined way to automate documenting site visits, supporting a wide array of variables and inputs from within our platform.  Users will also be able to change the settings of devices listed by our platform and ultimately digitize the site reporting process.

This will first and foremost help ensure all variables inputted by technicians line up with the information fields chosen for your remote equipment. FormsGate also significantly decreases the likelihood of data loss and eliminates the need for follow-up site visits to fix inaccuracies.

Lastly, there is a built-in approval process to ensure that only information checked and approved by a relevant manager can be uploaded into the system. As a bonus, instead of relying on third-party forms that will disappear after a certain period of time, the information is safely stored in perpetuity synced within our system. These forms can also be downloaded in PDF format if a client wants to save the information on their own servers.

What does this change?​

First and foremost, as we mentioned before, the site audit process is automated on a number of levels relating to longer, more repetitive processes.

This in turn results in reduced follow-up visits which lowers travel costs, need for technicians onsite, and provides a built-in deterrent for fraudulent information.

FormsGate also makes the work done by technicians much more efficient, as the universal fields and built-in templates eliminate a great deal of potential for error or improper data input.

It’s time to get rid of data entry mistakes, streamline your site visit processes, and save on operational costs, so what are you waiting for? Contact us today and start ensuring your remote infrastructure is well-documented and maintained.

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