Preventing Energy Loss - And Saving Millions


Operating a network of telecom sites, hosting multiple network bands across a variety of service providers, is no mean feat. Keeping network access and cell connection stable for tens or hundreds of millions of mobile users requires careful analysis of when networks are needed most and when they are dormant. 

Still, these cell sites and their energy assets can sometimes run unnecessarily, even behaving as if the site is under heavy load when it is more or less idle. This situation leads to the majority of energy loss experienced at cell sites and other ICT facilities, and it can be prevented. This case study examines just one of these occurrences, where millions of dollars in wasted operational costs were at stake. 

Client and their challenges

A telecom site operator managing 5000 remote sites across a wide geographic area was looking to maximize their energy savings and improve their overall efficiency. Of those sites, just 259 have solar panel installations active, with the rest relying solely on generators for backup power.  

Even with solar power available, many of these sites failed to draw enough power from these panels in order to effectively power their sites, forcing them to rely on generators instead, causing increased and unnecessary fuel use in the case of these sites.  

In addition, the client had no visibility over their remote sites and energy assets and was unable to detect maintenance problems or malfunctions until they physically arrived at the site. Further, many of these sites were located in areas that were difficult to navigate, further raising the travel and maintenance costs, not to mention the time required to arrive and return from each site. 

There was also a complete lack of performance thresholds established, so energy assets were running without any optimization and without any alert to errant performance or inefficiencies. Performance metrics were also only available if a technician examined the data for each remote asset while physically onsite, and there was no way to properly record and track these metrics over time.

Galooli’s Solution 

Galooli’s Remote Energy Monitoring and Management solution provides complete visibility and live tracking of your remote assets and sites. This includes tracking historical and real-time performance data and immediate alerts in the case of malfunction or performance outside established norms. 

Using our Sustainability dashboard, we track emissions metrics, as well as renewable energy asset performance, while analyzing geographic and weather-related data to maximize energy gathering.  

By maximizing solar power use, other energy assets like generators and the grid can be relied upon less, reducing fuel and overall energy costs.  We also help identify worst offenders in terms of assets and facilities that need to be optimized in terms of their emissions.

Using historical and live data, we provide optimizations for these energy assets and sites that can even be performed remotely. We also offer controls and mitigation tools to effectively manage malfunctions and events remotely from a centralized dashboard. This also reduces the necessity for periodic site visits and allows stakeholders and technicians to focus solely on problematic sites and assets. 


The client was found to be losing over $38,000 a week in lost operational costs due to inefficiencies fuel loss due to unnecessary reliance on generators where assets like solar energy were available. That means this client was losing nearly $2 million in operational costs a year that was now being saved after introducing our solution. 

The client was able to identify the costliest sites in their network and focus their energies on optimizing these sites before moving on to others. They were also able to have complete visibility over their assets and monitor and manage these remote sites without needing to periodically be onsite to do so. 

They were also able to be in control of these energy assets in the case of malfunction, to immediately shut off or turn on these assets as needed in order to prevent additional damage or a more permanent service outage. 

  •  Client manages 5000 remote cell sites across a wide geographic area 
  • Sought to improve energy efficiency and identify sources of wasted energy use 
  • Few sites had solar panels installed, but none of them were optimized for their location 
  • Performance thresholds were lacking to ensure remote assets performed as they should 
  • Only way to identify problems or sources of outages and downtime was to physically be onsite 
Galooli’s Solution
  • Galooli’s RMM provides complete visibility and live tracking of your remote sites and assets. 
  • We track and analyze both historical and real time performance data to provide actionable insights. 
  • Our solution takes environmental and geographical metrics to ensure the maximum yield from renewable energy sources. 
  • We offer remote controls and mitigation tools to provide advanced remediation from a centralized platform 
  • Client found to be losing $38,000 a week due to energy inefficiencies and generator reliance 
  • Cumulative savings after introducing Galooli’s solution totaled nearly $2 million annually 
  • Client was able to identify the costliest sites in their network and focus on optimizing them 
  • Also implemented overarching visibility over their entire remote site network 
  • Remote management and control capabilities helped to reduce onsite visits and incurred maintenance and travel costs 


About Galooli

Galooli is a pioneer in the green energy revolution. The company is blazing a trail in energy management as a service with actionable insights into your operations.
Galooli’s remote monitoring solutions optimize energy usage, reduce operating expenditures and maximize alternative energy use.
Galooli provides a green and future-focused solution for multiple industries and use cases around the world, from metropolitan centers to the most remote installations.

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